Okay, seriously people, GIVE IT UP. The music industry has changed because of the internet drastically AND IT IS NOT GOING BACK whether you like it or not. iTunes alone has changed the face of the music industry. Needless to say, Koleman Strumpf's comments annoyed the heck out of me. I mean, the entire paper is constant negativity on these types of networks. I don't know about you but I love the fact that I can listen to any song that I could possible imagine with one click of a button, all while I'm laying in bed! Stop complaining.
Sure, negative things have occurred but so have some pretty awesome positive ones too. This thought might fall perfectly into Fredric Dannen's quote stating, "My epiphany, if you want to call it that, was simply this: consumers of recorded music will always embrace the format that provides the greatest convenience. " Damn straight consumers will always embrace the most convenient format for them. I mean, let's be honest here, American's are lazy and we do everything, literally everything, at a super sonic speed. Heaven forbid we are inconvenienced by having to go to the nearest Best Buy to pick up a C.D. that we would like to listen to when we can just sit on our butts and do it at any hour of the day. Convenience is EVERYTHING. I guess it's not so much that this is what I agree with but this is what it is so I have to learn to like it because it is only going to become more technologically confusing, probably really soon knowing what Steve Jobs can do.
I actually thought Strumpf's remarks took some of the responsibility OFF of P2P file sharing networks. He seems to suggest that there is no DIRECT connection between file sharing and the decline in record sales. After all, he notes, the most downloaded records on P2P sites are also biggest money makers...